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Deep Listening

Artwork by Marielle Johnston

Originally Constructed by Marielle Johnston & Isabella Cort

Assisted by Elo Rolandson

Deep Listening is an interactive and immersive installation that integrates seamlessly with the natural environment of the paperbark tree site. Spanning 45 meters, the installation features a winding trail complemented by eco-friendly fabric panels that weave between and among the trees. This dynamic artwork is inspired by the textural diversity of the paperbark and the ever-present wind within Barrambin, resulting in a kinetic experience reminiscent of a tunnel.


At its core, Deep Listening is a tribute to the Melaleuca species, recognized for its significant role in environmental regeneration and its cultural and medicinal values. The design of the artwork echoes a gentle stream of water that once was seeking to redirect visitors’ focus from the distractions of the external material world, ushering and guiding them into a more tranquil, safe, and sensitive space of deep listening to the natural world, also known as ‘Dadirri’ an Indigenous place-based research methodology. Deep Listening encourages the viewers to honour the ground beneath their feet, cultivate an intimate bond with the trees, and foster a deeper connection with the land through an empathetic lens, acknowledging the past, present, and future all in one place.

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