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Connect & Regenerate is an environmental art project taking place in Barrambin/ Victoria Park, focusing on the themes of regeneration for the Brisbane City Council's Green Heart Fair (26th of May 2024)

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Map AND timetable-01.png

Green Heart Fair 
Map of Artworks

29th of May (Sunday)
Victoria Park (Gilchrist Avenue) 

Signs will be displayed on the day to help direct yourselves to each artwork

Please engage yourself in Deep Listening's on-site performance, located near the QUT Creative Project Hub

Performed by Grant Mitchelson, Polly Chen, & Joanna Jiang

Full Performance
Green Heart Fair Gallery

Collection of photos taken on the Green Heart Fair (May 26th, 2024)


A film comprising of our production process and insight into how our team has worked together to showcase the following works for the Green Heart Fair
View Documentary Here:

For the past few months, the Regenerate team has collaborated with students from QUT's disciplinary Fine Arts degrees to compose a series of artworks to inform the relationship between the students and Barrambin. From on-site installation, performances, and various forms of collaboration, the team has been working consistently to construct an immersive and grounding experience; whilst contextualising on both historic and environmental themes.

Please click below to check out each of the artworks presenting on the 26th of May:

Connect & Regenerate is a proud collaboration with QUT and the Brisbane City Council's Green Heart Fair

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